Friday, June 8, 2007

Why is this name..?

Just in case somebody asks me the question why the hell did I keep this name for my blog.. let me explain it beforehand!

I like making routines.. I mean only making routines. During my childhood itself my father tried hard to teach me how to manage my time properly (which I never learned). But one thing I learned was making rotines regularly without following. The habit remained till now, but never could make an order out of the disorder I carry with me.. My mother effectionately called my room a "pig farm" and the dress I am wearing a "bear skin". It was long time ago....

I started learning the abcd of physics.. one such "a" is "entropy" which means "disorderlyness". Boy, that sounds familiar!! Unfortuately, entropy of the universe is always increasing.. it cannot decrease, which will contradict other laws of thermodynamics. What about me then??

So, actually I am just trying to defy the laws of physics. He! He! He!!!

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